Papers and essays by R.L.Fellner

Papers, FAQ's and Interviews related to psychotherapy & counseling

(Deutsch) (engl.)

Here is a collection of articles, patient information, essays, and papers that I have written over time. Since almost all of them were written in German and the translation is so time-consuming, most of them are only on my German-language website and will only become available after and after listed here.

Psychotherapy & Counseling

Sex Therapy

Coaching & Supervision

  • .. please find the full list of papers on my german site

Press Chips

A small digest of press articles published so far

  • .. please find the full list of papers on my german site

Information & Service

Exercises repeat at home. Please carefully read and follow the instructions and advices.
  • .. please find the full list of papers on my german site

Health Politics

  • .. please find the full list of papers on my german site

Communication and Online Exchange

Writings and Poems

  • .. please find the full list of papers on my german site


  • .. please find the full list of papers on my german site
Richard L. Fellner, MSc., 1010 Wien

Richard L. Fellner, MSc., DSP

R.L.Fellner is Psychotherapist, Counselor, Hypnotherapist, Sex Therapist and Couple Therapist in Vienna & Asia.

Citations are welcome, but please include correct reference and on websites, also a link back to