"There is no clear indication that you might have a
psychopathic / antisocial personality disorder. --
You reached, however, 50,00% of Factor 1
You reached, however, 44,44% of Factor 2
You might have certain traits of antisocial or psychopathic personalities but certainly not in a form that would justify a personality disorder diagnosis according to the standards.
Score: 18 of 38 [18:8/8/2]
There are strong indications that you might have a
narcissistic personality disorder.
Score: 5 of 9
There is no indication that you might have a histrionic personality disorder.[D:4/I:3]
You meet 80% of the range of general personality disorder criteria. -- Quelle:
https://www.counseling-office.com/surve ... athy.phtml
The result suprised me a little, not so much result about having a few psychopathic traits, I was aware of that.
My father is pretty surely a Psychopath, and seeing the way he raised me its no suprise that I didnt fully shed of that part and have a few traits of it, and lets admit it Manipulation isnt always this horrible backhanded thing, manipulation can be a benefit of everyone involved. Sometimes its the only means to get ahead where honesty would fail, even in making sure that dynamics in friendcircles dont fall apart, or when other people actively wreck dynamics - a little subtle manipulation can actually help with making sure it returns to being peaceful when people start getting at each others throats. Thats my experience atleast.
What suprised me was the part of me having strong indications for narcisstic personality disorder, I dont think I am narcisstic. I actually have a high amount of empathy, it just doesnt always include every person. Its a strong divide between people I empathize with deeply, and people I empathize with/ understand how their emotions work, but I simply do not care about and dont have problems with using them for my gain - without harming them.
I dont think I am above anybody, but I do think highly of myself.
I am officaly diagnosed with cptsd because of severe childhood trauma caused by two different people, for one my father and more importantly another person who had a fantasy of turning me into his 'accomplice'.
But I am actually described as a empathic, caring and very helpful person by everyone close to me, and even by people that arent in my intimate circle. A lot of people did end up overly obsessed or emotionally addicted to me though, and some of them ended up acting very submissive and others tried to control me because of it as well, which is a repeating pattern, most of them did deify me in some form, calling me their 'god' or 'queen' and giving me serious worship, but that actually never was something that appealed to me - yet its weird that it keeps repeating, so maybe I am overlooking something about myself? I find that kind of intimidating to be honest, thats a lot of responsibility they are trying to give me, and its not healthy for them either in the slightest.
I can be rather vengeful, but in cases like, when I got raped but it was impossible to prove in court, if the system doesnt help me, as it hasnt with the abuse in my childhood either - then I have to help myself. A lot of me seeking out thrill and dangerous situations might be due to my trauma, and lets take a recent example, it was one of these situations where a Invidual had developed these kind of feelings for me - he ended up trapping me in his flat for several days and he sexually abused me with the almost usual 'I dont know what to do.. I think I love you. I love you. Who could ever hurt something so pure? I want to destroy you but I also just want to take care of you.. Just say youre mine and I wont need to hurt you.. Please. I know that you are above me, I know that I am so far below you but thats why I need to do this to you, dont you understand? ' Like, that kind of bullshit, this individual for example had a job as a prison guard and to get his job he lied about his diagnosises, which means - he wasnt even allowed to have the job, my revenge was just making sure he looses his job and the way I did it was totally legal, it was his own fault for telling me about his diagnoses if he couldnt hold back his urges towards me. I doubt that this kind of thing makes me narcissistic.
Sorry, it appears this turned into a rather lenghty vent (sob story? haha)
But for real, someone with npd cannot possibly have a high empathy, right?