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Self test on Male Erectile Dysfunction

Posted: Jan 07 2008, 01:18
by R.L.Fellner

the English translation of the Erectile Dysfunction test (unique in its style and combination of included evaluations!) has been put online:
(= permanent URL, the link to the test itself may change!)

If you consider the test as helpful, please share its URL on webboards or websites dealing with its topic. Only mention the above URL since the address of the test itself may change.

Feel free to use this thread for questions related to the test or your result.

kind regards,
Richard L. Fellner

p.s. please PM me if you detect any 'broken English' in the test. Thanks.

Re: Self test on Male Erectile Dysfunction

Posted: Jun 18 2012, 11:29
by R.L.Fellner
The Self-Test is now also available as an Android Application:


You can also install it directly from your Android phone after searching for "erectile dysfunction" on "Google Play" (the Android market).

If you feel it's helpful - please don't forget to rate it positively on the market.